Technology has benefited our lives in ways that we now take for granted. The downside is that as we are more connected than ever, and closer to loved ones from afar, but we are also far from those close to us in our immediate vicinity. With this we have become ‘disconnected’ as move into an ever-increasing digitised society. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness and understanding of how out of balance we all can become through our dependency on technology, for both parents and kids. It is becoming more apparent that parents should be given support, and the tools to empower them to create a balance so that both parents and their kids can reconnect away from technology. My target audience of young parents with kid(s) can be difficult to pin down and gain their attention. An illustrative approach that would appeal to all parents and kids without looking childish was needed. My campaign and brand is open, honest and direct in the use of language–with humour being key to drawing both parents and kids in.
View Go Trekkers App PrototypeIn the last decade, health and technology have come a long way in how we treat and diagnose illness and disease for all of society. However, there is still some disparity in terms of how demographics could impact your access to quality, seamless healthcare when needed. The aim of my project is to help design a system that will provide seamless and cost-effective access to quality health services for underserved communities. I identified a small village called Plumbridge who have ranked number one in Northern Ireland in being the most deprived rural area for gaining access to seamless quality healthcare. To help me gain insights I conducted primary research with a resident and a community worker. The insight gained from these interviews lead me to propose and develop an end-to-end system with a stand-alone screen. The system is aimed at the older generation who are house bound or have little or no access to transport. The Digi Doc system will be secured by block chain technology to help put the user and professional at ease. With the current pandemic the need for secure end-to-end system for healthcare has become more urgent as telehealth could treat minor ailments and ease the pressure on the healthcare system.
View Digi Doc app prototype