BA (Hons) Graphic & UX Design

Major project - Ripple Habit Tracker

Habits are at the core of everything we do, whether we are trying to build them, stop them, change them, or augment an existing habit with a new one. Lots of people struggle with changing their habits. For this project I created an app where people can track their daily habits and get educational information to help them in their journey. The name of the app is Ripple, something that will expand and grow in time. The app has already 5 in-built main habits that can be tracked, but the user has the option to create and track a new habit. People can measure and track anything and everything, they can follow their own schedule and track their own goals, and they get notified whenever they need to do something important.

View app prototypeView app on Vimeo
The onboarding of the app, where the people can register and choose what they want to track.
The main page of the app. Tracking health and weight management as daily habits. That includes food, weight, water, sleep and exercise. The app has the option to have a dark mode and a light mode.
If someone wants to track more than one habit, they can choose which one by clicking on the top icons. Each icon will take you to another screen - for example if you want to track your fitness, pushing the icon for fitness will bring you to a new screen where the set of habits that can then be tracked
In the health category, logging your food is one of the most important features. This image shows the app flow when logging food. The categories are searching for food, saved menu, take photos and gallery
The app has lessons for every day. Lessons to help people understand habits more. This is an example of a lesson on the power of tiny habits, that in time can change the outcome
Habit daily calendar to remind people to keep going and and example of how to track water intake
Print ads that have messages about how to create, keep or break a habit
Instagram ads with tips about habits: link a new habit with an old one
Instagram ads with tips about habits: change the environment – change the habit
Instagram ads with tips about habits: to make it easy for a habit, create cues

Ripple App walkthrough

ISTD - Tory Lighthouse

Tory Lighthouse is a book about the Lighthouse of Tory Island. Creating this book, I wanted to bring to life a forgotten monument. The book is made for the people of Ireland and tourists that have an interest in learning about the culture of Ireland and Tory Island. The core message is that Tory Lighthouse is asleep but not forgotten. The tone of voice is serious, mysterious and interesting. The structure of the book is made from two parts - one about the Lighthouse and the other about stories connected with the lighthouse and the island. The two parts are not separate but working in a consecutive order - one chapter about the lighthouse, next one about a story, and so on.

The cover of the book Tory Lighthouse
The position of Tory Island on the coast of Donegal
Tory Lighthouse position, height, level of sea information and aid to navigation
Hyper-Radial lenses installed for the first time in the world at Tory Lighthouse
Hyper-Radial tri-form optic lenses on Belfast Maritime Museum
Last King of Tory. On Tory Island there is a tradition where the people choose their own king
The story of an elephant washed on Tory beach, beside the lighthouse
The sinking Of HMS Wasp ship. Villagers believed that the ship sank because of the ‘cursing stone’
Timeline of Tory Lighthouse from the year it was built until it was closed
Tory Lighthouse book