BA Animation


Construct is an animated short made for my 3rd year animation. The plot revolves around a boy named Pace who can transform his arm into a lance. He works as a defender for his town against criminals and monsters. At this moment, a strange monster is rampaging in his town and he tries to stop it. The short would be intended to appeal to all ages but primarily young adults.

View my Major Project on VimeoView my Show Reel on Vimeo

Major film project

Pace and his friend Brennan react to the monster on the news.
Pace cuts the monster's tentacle arm off.
The monster attacks Pace.
Pace dodges a second attack.
Pace quickly swipes at the monster as it lunges towards him.
The monster rises sprouting four large arms.
Pace prepares himself as the monster towers over him.
Pace reacts to Cecelia punching the monster
Cecelia punches the monster.

My Showreel for 2021
