Female Genital Mutilation [FGM] is a practice in which the female genitals are deliberately cut, injured of change. There is no medical reasoning for the practice of FGM. There are many risks of having FGM preformed to a girl such as death, bleeding, cysts, problems peeing, difficulty having sex and many more. Globally 3 million girls have undergone or are at risk of FGM each year, an estimate of 5790 girls have undergone FGM in Ireland and an estimate of 1632 girls are at risk of FGM in Ireland. The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness about FGM in Ireland. The younger generation in Ireland are oblivious to the practice of FGM, the goal is to raise awareness of FGM for the younger generation in Ireland and in turn a secondary audience of parents and everyone else should be informed on what they can do to help.
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My Sustainable Farm is an app to help Irish farmers become more sustainable on their farms for the long time by tracking emissions and rewarding farmers for executing sustainable actions. The app allows farmers to connect devices on the farm such as soil sensors and black boxes to their mobile or tablet device via Bluetooth to take reading on the current stats on the farm in terms of how sustainable the farm is. After growing up on a small farm in Donegal I discovered the challenges faced by farmers on becoming more sustainable. After many discussions at home and with other local farmers I found that the main barrier to becoming more sustainable was the way in which farmers are targeted financially to become more eco-friendly. The app allows the farmers to be rewarded for becoming more sustainable and implementing new farming methods on the farm to better the environment.
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