My esponse to the UX/UI brief where you had to create a solution to a problem under the topic of Covid and elderly people. This was based of a previous group project about creating a social app to overcome loneliness and mental health issues amongst elderly people. What I did differently is changing it to a mood tracker app with additional features. It monitored their health and provided structure in their daily lives. Takes account of habits like daily activities and the mood you are feeling; a calendar with reminders; and it allows you to contact a virtual nurse or link it to your private nurse so that they too can also see the activities and monitor their patients closely.
Wellcare Project videoProject 1 Unlock: This was an initiative that required us to create a student friendly brand identity to engage students. This was my outcome for this project using a colourful theme, 4 colors that represented partnership, collaboration, data and analytics to portray a friendly brand identity. Project 2: The brief requires me to create a campaign brand identity for Ireland Neutral 2050 or an alternative campaign title. I created my own alternative campaign title called C.F.I which stands for Carbon Free Ireland. I felt that campaign should have a minimal and simple brand identity so that the brand purpose should be the main focus, and the identity as a secondary priority with memorable Icons.