Women have been discriminated against throughout history and in the present day. Young women are afraid to be ambitious due to how powerful women in the media are treated. There is a lack of female role models in many young women’s lives. “We Are” is an initiative aimed towards 16+ year old girls/ young women. This campaign aims to give girls of all backgrounds the confidence and help they need to achieve their goals.
View website prototypeView mobile app prototypeI chose to explore the brief 5 “The Spaces Between” from ISTD 2023. I explored the theme of Dementia which led me to narrow my topic down to Alzheimer’s Disease. With Alzheimer’s I found a space between the science and progression of the disease which is the lived experience. Many know what Alzheimer’s is, however they don’t really know what the disease really entails other than memory loss. This publication aims to inform readers about the harsh reality of Alzheimer’s. The lived experience is often forgotten about, where carers are often the hidden victim to the disease.