Support System, tells the story of Selene and its inhabitants. In the year 2079, planet Earth now has three outposts: the moon, the International Space Station and Mars. The ISS, fondly referred to as Selene by its inhabitants, is the smallest and most populated human outpost. Selene is inhabited by technicians mostly, seeing as it is a base that supports the Lunar and Martian outposts. The story of Selene is ultimately a story of connections and relationships. It has deep connotative meanings that relate to these concepts and the garments convey those. The very first conception of the phrase “support system” came from consideration of straps and buckles and realising that each part holds up the other and that a person would most likely hold on to the straps for unconscious comfort, like a reflex. Sustainability is the second major theme in my collection. Especially as the fictional characters live in space, where there are minimal resources, and everything must be recycled. The pieces are made from old curtains and unwanted workwear. The message in the collection is to show that us humans, can and should micromanage and stretch resources when it comes to non-necessities. Upcycled fashion should not be seen as gloom or poor but as a way to stoke the flames of innovation and creativity in our minds. Our planet and our existence should not die at the expense of fashion but thrive. This collection is a hybrid of workwear and streetwear that is targeted to men and women primarily in the 16-40 age groups.